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Gale Primary Sources Release Four New Archives Devoted to Contributions from Underrecognized Communities

New Collections Provide Greater Insights into Voices That Have Shaped Societal and Cultural Movements on Sexuality and Gender, Disabilities, Environmental History and Refugees

FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich., March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Gale, part of Cengage Group, is continuing its support of academic initiatives in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with the release of four new archives on the Gale Primary Sources (GPS) platform. These archives unlock perspectives on interdisciplinary subjects, including the histories of LGBTQ+ communities in North America, the treatment of disabilities in society, refugeeism and relief work during the Cold War period and the environmental impact of colonial policies in Africa and Asia – all topics that represent some of the fastest-growing areas of research and teaching. Making accessible the often unheard voices of those who lived it, these unique collections enable researchers and students to break past barriers, gain new insights and make key connections between past events and their influence on the world we live in today.